turboEM 2021.1 (2021-08-05)
- August 3, 2021
- added an additional argument to "control" list to allow the algorithm to output a matrix of parameter values at each iteration
turboEM 2020.1 (2020-01-13)
- January 2, 2020
- changed code for detecting "try-error" to conform to the changes in latest R release
turboEM 2014.8-1 (2014-08-29)
- third release: August 27, 2014
turboEM 2012.2-1 (2012-02-17)
- first release: December 2011
- second release: February 2012
- allow for parallelization of turboem() using the foreach package
- added turboSim function to conduct benchmark studies that outputs object of class "turbosim"
- added option to allow pconstr function to be ignored, even if it is included in turboem() or turboSim() function calls (added use.pconstr as argument to control.method)
- added check to produce error if "version" of control.method is not specified correctly for decme, pem
- modified the package vignette to reflect the above changes