anoint 1.5 (2024-09-09)
- Fixed the issues that caused the package to be archived
- Made show() function generic to resolve errors caused by its non-generic implementation.
- Fixed issues related to package dependencies.
- Added parameter type to summary() function
anoint 1.4 (2015-07-19)
anoint 1.3 (2013-03-07)
- Added pim.subsets function.
- Revised forestplot labels and handling of factors.
- Added forest.subsets for plotting best subsets.
anoint 1.2 (2013-01-10)
- Included seeding in vignette.
- Corrected error in additional intercept in select.glmnet. Added stepAIC selection and changed select argument to taking character specifying type of selection method.
- Added na.action to anoint.
anoint 1.1
- The package formerly named mim has been renamed ANOINT for analysis of interactions.
- Packaged the methods from the previous versions into a class anoint and
- The anoint class holds the information about the model fit formula, candidate treatment-response factor (interaction terms), and the results of the selection procedure, if requested.
- The class performs all of the ANOINT methods (one-by-one, unrestricted interaction model, and proportional interaction) and provides methods to inspect and summary their results.